Susan Decker brings an inspiring background as a medical illustrator. In addition to Freelance Medical Illustration, Susan is a full time professor at North Central Texas College of Biology, Aanatomy & Physiology, Eenvironmental Biology and Nutrition. She has written and illustrated Biology and Anatomy & Physiology lab manuals for NCTC as well.
She received her Bachelor's in Fine Arts with a minor in Biology from University of North Texas in May 1993 and completed an EMT Certification in 1996. In 2002, she completed a Masters of Biomedical Illustration from University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas.
Some of her clients include: Compulink Advantage, A - Z Medical Supply, Texas Christian University, North Central Texas College, Baylor Medical Center - Dallas, TX, S. Dominic Group, Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Mayo clinic, University of North Texas, Velo Press, University of British Columbia, PIC North America, Texas Women's University, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.
Susan Decker brings an inspiring background as a medical illustrator. In addition to Freelance Medical Illustration, Susan is a full time professor at North Central Texas College of Biology, Anatomy/Physiology, and Nutrition. She has written and illustrated the Biology and Anatomy/Physiology lab manuals for NCTC. She received her Bachelor's in Fine Arts with a minor in Biology from University of North Texas in May 1993 and completed an EMT Certification in 1996. In 2002, she completed a Masters of Biomedical Illustration from University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas.
Susan Decker
Dallas, TX
phone: 940.595.3677